Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Big "to-do" about nothing

Well, we have topped an Ohio snow day(calling school for 2" of snow)...we had a day off of school for a rainstorm. No thunder, no lightning, not really even a heavy rain. The wind was strong, 30mph with 60 mph wind gusts. We never lost power, so it was a day to catch up on laundry, sign school papers and actually take time to read a book. Dave's stores were open, so he went to work after making sure we weren't in any danger. Thanks for prayers for our safety. Today was the first "send money" call from Kyle. That must be some kind of record! :)

1 comment:

Stefanie Schocke said...

I was just about to ask if you are near the hurriance, and I see your post below. Wow, what an overwhelming thing to move, but to move to an area with a hurricane. Praying for your safety.