Friday, August 22, 2008


Well, we got thru the first week of school-tropical storm and all...We are giving kudos to Taylor for trying out for volleyball when she has never played it before. That takes courage! About 20 girls tried out-so she said she is prepared to not make the cut( and not be upset about it.) Lindsay gets a big "high five" from us for wanting to be bilingual and therefore requesting Spanish 2 when the rest of her grade is only in Spanish 1. (She is finding out fast that WCS was way behind in the content taught in Spanish 1 compared to here-so she has a big challenge ahead of her). She is in her room making flashcards so she can catch up. Justin aced his spelling and Bible verse-a great start for him. Two family members that don't seem to be adjusting well are our dogs. They hate the grass here, and the weeds in the vacant lot next door have burrs that really hurt. They walk through the grass like they are walking on hot coals. Lacey has been limping off and on since we arrived. She hates storms and that is all we have been having here this past week. I can tell that she is not feeling well tonight. Maybe all can get some rest this weekend and be ready for more challenges next week. Thanks to the Severances for the gift of popcorn that was on our front step when we arrived home cheered everyone up!


Stefanie Schocke said...

Tell Taylor I'm coaching volleyball this year, and I've never played! So too bad she can't be on my team, I could learn right along with her. But good for her!

Kristen said...

Congrats to the kiddos for all their hard work!